Re: Computer requirements for home recording

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Posted by Pall Thayer on January 24, 2000 at 06:04:09:

In Reply to: Computer requirements for home recording posted by Dave on January 23, 2000 at 12:04:23:

: I goofed on my original E-Mail address so here's the question again: I'm recording multiple midi tracks on a Compaq PC with a 533mhz chip and 64k ram. Using Micrologic AV software included with my Alesis QS6.1. During playback of songs with several tracks, it seems as if there is a delay or skipping of some sort. Can anyone tell me how to correct this? Is it the chip, do I need more ram, or can I adjust some settings? Thanks
Based on my experience, it's probably not the RAM. I'm use a Mac but I doubt if that makes a difference. The two main things are processor speed and drive speed. It sounds like your processor is fast enough so it might be your hard drive. Your best choice would be an internal SCSI drive.

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