QS8 custom drum kit creation dificulty via Unisyn

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Posted by Tony Lauria on January 26, 1998 at 20:34:38:

I'm hoping someone has understood the procedure for mapping a drum kit out with emphasis on isolating the snare on it's own output, kick - another and the rest pannable to the main or aux. In my attempts I seem to set the parameters close to usable with Unisyn, but when I assign that kit to a channel in Mix mode, things change. I can't even get clear enough on what actually is occurring, just that I can't seem to comprehend the architechure and fail to successfully create the patches that I desire (with regards to drum kit mapping) I simply want to map a drum kit out with individual drum sounds assigned to specific outputs for the purpose of editing the effects parameters and/or eq. Incorporating a drum program into a mix seems a bit more complicated than I've been able to figure out. I would sure appreciate some assistance if anyone understands the QS 8 better than I. You can email me at tonyl@treehouse.org

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