Please, somebady help me whit this....

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Posted by Tomás Galli MAinini on March 24, 2001 at 21:06:36:

Hi, my name is Tomás, from Buenos Aires. I have a Roland Xp10 that i want to use as a controller of the Qsr Módule of Alesis, but i´m having a lot of complications: 1)The xp10 do not send (or the Qsr do not recive) velocity messages, this problem is whit some sounds of Qsr, example: i can play whit velocity some Strings sounds of Qsr but not the organs. 2) I would like to use the Volume Slider of the Xp10 to control the volume on Qsr but that Slider do not trasmit anything (or the Qsr is not reciving it). 3)Neither the extra two Sliders who control the cutoff, resonance etc on the xp10, transmit anything to the Qsr.

I´m sending this message to Alesis and To Roland

Please sombady help me

Thanks you very much. Tomás

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