Re: How can I make the QS6 behave like Rebirth?

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Posted by Dalvani Lima on September 22, 1997 at 09:04:48:

In Reply to: How can I make the QS6 behave like Rebirth? posted by Jon Slemmer on September 20, 1997 at 19:44:24:

: The generic techno sound is of a baseline that has constantly varied filter cutoff and attack. I was wondering how I can accomplish taht effect with the QS6. Thanks!

That kind of dynamics is also present in analog
instruments and sounds because the analog LFOs,
Oscilattors and Envelope Modulators were not
very precise. In digital days, those "living"
sounds and techno sounds are hard to get.
Fornatly, you can try something out in the QS6!
Every sound in the QS6 is basically made of
oscillator, pitch, filter and amp. besides the
LFOs and the Envelopes, you can modulate the
filter and the amp with the six modulators
available: MOD 1 .. MOD 6 (press buttons 0 to 5
in program edit mode). You could assign two of
these to "filter cuttof frequency" and "amp
envelope attack" using "Random" as a modulation
source and something around "10" for the level
parameter. This would constantly vary the filter
and attack according to a random value. You can
try other values for the level (the higher the
level the more varying the sound will be).

P.S. I have a QS8 if any of these parameters is
not found in the QS6, please let me know.

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