Need QEMa beta testers

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Posted by Eric Adles on September 15, 1997 at 10:29:41:

QEMa (the Quadrasynth Editor for Macintosh) is in a Beta
testing period.

QEMa supports the S4+, QS+, QS6, QS7, QS8 & QSR

QEMa requires OMS 1.0 or higher to run.

If you are interested in being a beta tester please
email me ( the following

Phone #:
Email address:

Macintosh Model:
Video Resolution:

OS version:

QS Model:

Do you have OMS installed:
If yes, what version:
If no, do you have FreeMIDI with OMS compatibility

Can you respond to email within a 24 hour period:

Thank you,

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