The Music of Bruce Satinover

GM Sequences :

All Quantized all the time

One-Take Jam One

Immaculate Rejection:
New Music For NOW People II

Three Piano Etudes:
The Raging Hormone

a. The Anxious Dendrite
b. Pathetico Androgeno
c. His Masters Voice

Rescued from the digital hopper I (Rondo A' GoGo)

Rescued from the digital hopper II (Winkie's New Age Dilema)

Bill and Newt's Memorial Ethics Dance

Sagan, Carl...persistance of vision, 1996

Son of Jazz thing
Filling the Void
Dare to Fail

Visit Bruce's webpage

Music ©1996-98 Bruce Satinover Artwork©1996 Bruce Satinover Design©1996-98 MIDIWORLD

Dare to Fail : Neopolitan Style

Original project sequence by Steve Gronseth, additional music Bruce Satinover
Part of Steve's "Dare To Fail" project featuring dozens of musicians work on the same initial sequence.